The Becky McKinney Scholarship for the Hendrick Foundation is named for a generous, servant-hearted woman who has lived her life in service to others. Becky McKinney and her husband Greg moved to Plano in 1977. She has raised her family here and served the Collin County community ever since. Becky has earned a reputation among service and social leagues – if a job needs to be done, and someone needs to step up and do it – Becky is often that someone. A leader, mentor and role model to so many, including her 3 daughters and 6 grandchildren, she’s any committee’s MVP. In addition to serving the Hendrick Scholarship Foundation and being awarded Volunteer of the Year in 2019 with her husband, Becky has given of her time and talents to countless efforts with Christ United Methodist Church, of which she’s been a member since 1978, with Plano ISD Education Foundation and the SKI Plano fundraising events, the Women’s Auxiliary to Children’s Medical Center, as well as served as President of the SMU Mothers’ Club. But her longest-standing and perhaps greatest impact of service to our community over the past 36-plus years has been through her work with the Junior League of Collin County. In 1983-84, she worked to advance what was then the Plano Service League to the greater commitment of Junior League status. Since then, she’s logged countless hours, serving on and chairing committees, and touching countless lives, mentoring young league members for an unknowable reach of impact. Becky has been named Sustainer of the Year not once, but twice, and she continues to selflessly show up for her community and the people around her time and time again, always overdelivering.